The Conference on the Church for God’s glory is held each May at First Baptist Church in Rockford, Illinois. Our goal is to provide a sound, one-day conference to men within a 4-5 hour radius. Many conference attendees travel from further and stay in local hotels as well.
Conference themes are picked for what we hope would most encourage and edify leaders in the church today, whether basic truths that need repeating or specific issues that need to be addressed.
Click the links for each conference year on the right to download notes and listen to audio recordings from past conferences.
For more infromation, click the links below for articles that Pastor Huffstutler has written for our church.
“Planning Our Church’s Annual Conference for Pastors”
“The Blessings of Hosting a Conference”
Since June of 2022, Pastor David Huffstutler has served as the Mid-America regional coordinator for Foundations Baptist Fellowship International (FBFI). Along with this role, as of May 2023, CCGG has added the compononent of being the Mid-America Regional Fellowship for the FBFI. Just as several from the FBFI have regularly attended each year, so also have we seen attendees from the GARBC, WFBC, AIBCI, other groups, and churches with no formal affiliations. Our conference is the same as it has been since 2003, and we are grateful to minister to all of our attendees, whether their church associations are formal or informal. Our conference does not exist to champion one group over the other but to minister to each attendee and provide a means of fellowship each year.