
8:30 AM, Registration

Come early to get any freebies!

10:00 AM, Session 1

David Huffstutler, “Preaching Boldly to Build Up the Church” (Acts 9:19–31)

11:15 AM, Fellowship Break

11:30 AM, Session 2

Steve Thomas, “Preaching God’s Stories without Missing God’s Point”

12:25 PM, Fellowship Break

12:40 PM, Session 3

Bruce McAllister will preach for us, “Devotion to the Lord and His Ministry” (Acts 20:17–38)

1:30 PM, Lunch Break (local restaurants)

3:15 PM, Session 4

David Saxon, “The Expository Preaching of Alexander Maclaren”

4:15 PM, Fellowship Break

4:30 PM, Session 5

Steven Thomas, “The Troubling Story of Prophets, Boys, and Bears” (2 Kings 2:23–25)

5:30 PM, Fellowship Break

5:45 PM, Session 6

Bruce McAllister, “Taking Heed to Yourself and the Doctrine” (1 Timothy 4:11–16)

7:00 PM, Dismiss